
If the money isn’t in your list…
You’re doing it wrong

But don’t worry, we can figure this out.

Some days it feels like everyone makes money from email…

Except you.

(womp womp womp)


You never know what to say

As soon as you have something to sell, it’s like you forget how to human. You’re not the only one and it’s not as hard as you think it is (that’s what she said).

You’re afraid of being too salesy

This one is SO sneaky! And although it’s true, sometimes people won’t like you… This is not a hobby with bookkeeping, you run a business. That means you sell things that help people. OMG how dare you?! ;)

You’re worried they’ll unsubscribe

Bye Felicia. Seriously, STOP focusing on the people that don’t want to be your client or read your emails and START writing to the ones who do. People are waiting to hear from you.

What if making sales through email was possible for you too?

Imagine for a minute…

Shirtless Henry Cavill writing emails while:


You know exactly what to say

Because you understand the sales process and have a repeatable and simple formula to repeat time and time again. Oh is that a sales notification?!

You’re exactly salesy enough

Your people are opening your emails… and BUYING your offers. It’s like you’ve finally found the sweet spot and can now make money any time you decide to.

You celebrate unsubscribes

It’s not for them or not for them right now and you’re truly okay with that. You know what numbers to keep an eye on and unsubscribes are no big deal — most of the time you forget to even check them.

Allow me to introduce…

The Email Edge

My simple method to sell using just 5 emails – without launching, hosting webinars or challenges.

And I’ll teach you how to write them LIVE.

The Schedule

  • Day 1: The 5 Email Edge and Your Offer

    Class is in session! We’ll start with an overview of the 5 email edge and some email marketing reframes. Then we get to work on the offer you’ll be selling over email first!

    Dec 11th: 7 am - 9 am PST | 10 am - noon EST | 4 pm - 6 pm AMS | 11 pm - 1 am SGT

  • Day 2: Writing Workshop Email 1 & 2

    Today I’ll teach you how to write the first emails out of 5! You’ll also have time to write and I’ll publicly give feedback on some of your emails.

    Dec 12th: 7 am - 9 am PST | 10 am - noon EST | 4 pm - 6 pm AMS | 11 pm - 1 am SGT

  • Day 3: Writing Workshop Email 3, 4 & 5

    We’ll write emails 3, 4 & 5 today. Just like on day 2, you’ll have time to write and I’ll give public feedback on some of your emails!

    Dec 13th: 7 am - 9 am PST | 10 am - noon EST | 4 pm - 6 pm AMS | 11 pm - 1 am SGT

  • Day 4: Copy Coaching

    2 hours of copy coaching: AKA bring everything you’ve written and ask me specific questions about your emails.

    Dec 14th: 7 am - 9 am PST | 10 am - noon EST | 4 pm - 6 pm AMS | 11 pm - 1 am SGT

  • Day 5: Bonus Q&A

    It’s Q&A time. Don’t worry, we’ll wrap up in time for happy hour ;)

    Dec 15th: 7 am - 8 am PST | 10 am - 11 am EST | 4 pm - 5 pm AMS | 11 pm - midnight SGT

  • Bonus: ICONIC messaging & Positioning Class

    2-hour live masterclass on messaging, positioning & how to make your copy sound on-brand (even if AI writes the bulk of it for you).

    Dec 18th: 6 am - 8 am PST | 9 am - 11 am EST | 3 pm - 5 pm AMS | 10 pm - midnight SGT

Are you in?

Everything You Get Inside The Email Edge:

  • 9 hours of live training, writing, copy feedback, and q&a time with Sandra (The only other place to get this is in Unapologetic, my $7,500 high-level group program)

  • Sales Email Sequence Template ($150 in the shop)

  • ICONIC: Brand new 2-hour messaging and positioning masterclass

  • Lifetime access to the replays so you can refer back to it again and again (the lifetime of the program/business, not yours or mine)



Just a little proof I know what I’m doing + I can teach you too

If it ain’t Dutch… It ain’t much — my lovely Dutch testing team has been trying all the emails and sharing their results from this strategy. Let’s dive in:


“My list is small: 180 people. But they’re very loyal! My Black Friday deal is an absolute no-brainer for the price including all the bonuses. Through the clicks and who bought, I can tell that 5 out of 10 sales came through email… And counting! I’m only on day 2! It’s fantastic! And because I want to stand out in the inbox, I’m adding a few more emails using your templates. I’m basically doubling them and using them twice!”

— Barbara Vermaas, Social Media Expert at ARTT Social Support

“I quickly created an offer that I didn’t have yet: A live day for a total of 6 interior designers focused on growing their revenue and finding opportunities. I charged €925 and made 3 sales. I had hoped for 6 but normally I’d take longer to think through the offer. When I sent the emails I had 2800 people on my list. I also posted once on IG and once on LinkedIn.

— Marie-Gon Vos, Mentor for Interior Designers

"My list is 10,700. I sent 5 emails last week, just like in September. Sold 14 spots in my 3-month program at €1395,- (with a €500 bonus discount) 🙏🥳 "

— Margo Matse, ADD Coach

“I consider myself pretty experienced when it comes to email marketing, but Sandra blew me away. Her incredible knowledge combined with a contagious enthusiams for the topic gave me new, practical insight and inspiration that I didn’t even know existed. It’s rare to find someone who’s got so much expertise and shares it with so much passion. Thanks Sandra, for helping me uplevel my email marketing!”

— Kim de Graeve, best-selling author of Freedom Unlocked

“My emails are usually informative, to keep my leads warm and share my knowhow. Sandra turned this on it’s head! Her expertise? Directly selling through email. And she’s got a great, simple, step-by-step plan. Her templates make your audience warm. Warm? I mean ready to buy. My list isn’t very big, so I posted the exact format to LinkedIn. And that led to a €16,500 sale. Using 5 emails. Worth the effort, right? Thanks Sandra, for your enthusiastic and effective way of teaching about selling directly through email.”

— Jaimie van de Braak, IT Copywriter

And if you want even more… Here’s some social proof for you 😉

Oh Hi, I’m Sandra!

Don’t let that sweet face fool you — I’ve written thousands of sales emails, 100+ sales pages and a few thousand people use my copy templates.

If you’re here… You’ve probably made a purchase or 2 based on my words.

Why should other people make all the sales through email? I’ll teach you how to do it too.

Any last-minute questions?

  • No, however I will be giving feedback during calls 2, 3, and 4. If you’re there live and ready for me to look at your copy — the odds are in your favor!

  • Yes and no. It is a course if a course was live online, had real-time feedback, and a chance to ask all of your questions. So I’d say it’s a lot better than a course but obviously I’m biased!

  • Can you sell all of your work (including the pricey stuff) through email? If not, you need this. I taught this training in-person in my peer coaching group in Dutch and even the multi-million euro business owners learned something new + keep asking me follow-up questions + made money using this. I’m very good at what I do.

  • No, there are no refunds. Nothing is as powerful as signing up with intention (I talk about this in my podcast episode “How I always get ROI from investments”. If you want to learn how to sell (even) better through email, decide.

  • Yes, you can always catch the replays even if you can’t make it live to any or all of the sessions. We’ll upload the replays as soon as possible. AND I would highly recommend you block time in your calendar to watch the calls or replay and write your emails. This is your chance to get my feedback.

  • Never say never but I don’t see myself teaching the trainings live again.

Ready to Gain the Email Edge?

Everything You Get Inside The Email Edge:

  • 9 hours of live training, writing, copy feedback, and q&a time with Sandra (The only other place to get this is in Unapologetic, my $7,500 high-level group program)

  • Sales Email Sequence Template ($150 in the shop)

  • ICONIC: Brand new 2-hour messaging and positioning masterclass

  • Lifetime access to the replays so you can refer back to it again and again (the lifetime of the program/business, not yours or mine)
